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Here you can find our most frequently asked questions. For more details on our bespoke hypnobirthing courses please click the link below where you can read the specific course details.


​What is hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is a way to release fear associated around birth and a method to reprogram your mind to think more positively about birth. 
It consists of a number of tools and techniques that can be used as comfort measures to help you stay calm and relaxed on your journey to birth and beyond, no matter the type of birth.


Is it too early for me to do a hypnobirthing course?

It is never too early to learn and begin your hypnobirthing journey. To be honest the earlier you do a course the better because the techniques require habit and time to work, and it’s a great tool to have in pregnancy to help you stay calm and relaxed if things get overwhelming in life, as well as the benefits of knowing how to make informed decisions.


Does my birth partner have to come?

If you have a birth partner, yes they absolutely should come. 
There is no place for an uninformed birth partner in the birth space. 


How often should I practise the techniques?

As frequently as you can, the tools like hypnosis for example can take time to begin to work. Habit building is required for hypnobirthing tools to be effective.


Example schedule of some technique practise

Up breathing: 5 minutes a day
Down breathing: Every time you have a poo
Hypnobirthing MP3s: Every night
Positive Affirmations: Every day
Visualisations: Every week
Anchors: Every week
Informed decision making: Daily

Staying UFO: Daily

Can you see why doing a course early can be beneficial?

Enjoying hypnobirthing in your pregnancy as well as your birth is a beautiful gift you can give yourself and your baby.

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